We’re born to die anyway I’m getting high everyday What’s suicide and the pain? Fly Away is an electronic/dance song by TeddyLoid used as Panty and Stocking’s transformation theme. Fly Away Songtext von Azad mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com !function(t,e,r){var n,s=t.getElementsByTagName(e)[0],i=/^http:/.test(t.location)? War ich's je oder nicht, Und wer ist dann die Hauptrolle, fuck ma' drauf, und schmecken bitter als wären sie abgelaufen, Ich suche Ruhe doch mein Schädel findet keine Rast, bind' die Schuhe, lauf' alleine Nachts durch diese Stadt. Ich schließ' die Augen, stell mir vor ich wär' woanders, denn mein Kopf ist Matsch, weichgeklopfter als 'en Sandsack, und die Gedanken rauschen im Ohr, laufen im Blut, bin ich noch auf Kurs? ein kleines Stückchen heile Welt, das nicht wieder zerbricht, ein kleines Fünkchen Hoffnung in mir, das nicht wieder erlischt, Wieder, wieder glauben, dass sich alles mal zum Guten wendet, und dieses Herz eines Tages mal zu bluten endet, in eine Welt, wo es Waffen nicht gibt und kein Hass wütet. Das Ding ist, ich würd' gern davonfliegen, wüsst' ich wohin, wohin. Fly Away is included in the series' first … Now how can I fly away? AZAD Fly Away Lyrics (Azad feat. Und, du musst hier nichts zensieren (wenn du Schimpfwörter in deinen Übersetzungen zensieren willst, kannst du das natürlich). Şarkı Sözleri:I wanna fly awayWhen there's no TV's and the people don't know my nameGet a plantWhere theres no more war and the sufferent no come out wayHigh aw. Follow @genius Listen to Fly Away [Acapella] by Azad, 1,587 Shazams, featuring on Behind the Boards: GEE Futuristic Apple Music playlist. Kool Savas & Francisco Lyrics. It is track #16 from the album Azphalt Inferno II that was released in 2010. Kool Savas & Francisco) by Azad and 56 million more tracks. Hoffentlich stimmt es ^^" Azad & Francisco) [Francisco] I wanna fly away where there's no TV's and the people don't know my name. *2 lit: I chew them again. Hab den deutschen Text korrigiert, und den englischen durch das ersetzt, was ich da verstehe. Follow @genius on Twitter for updates .. We at LetsSingIt do our best to provide all songs with lyrics. der Selbstzensur, habe aber eine Alternative gefunden, die zwar nicht 100%-ig übersetzt ist, aber den Sinn widerspiegelt und meinem ethischen Empfinden entspricht. I'm still on course? Hab den deutschen Text korrigiert, und den englischen durch das ersetzt, was ich da verstehe. Fly Away Lyrics: I had a dream that someday / I would just fly, fly away / And I always knew I couldn't stay / So I had a dream that I'd just fly away / I've been on my own for a minute / Is it We have added the song to our site without lyrics so that you can listen to it and tell others what you think of it. Get away where theres no more war and the suffering no come out way. (鄧紫棋). Fly Away Lyrics "Fly Away" is a song by Azad feat. Fly Away Lyrics: [Khai Dreams] / I thought our time would be endless / Guess I was just pretending / Like it didn’t matter at all / But now I see that you're leaving / Almost hard to believe it //]]>, Sorry, we have to make sure you're a human before we can show you this page. Kool Savas & Francisco) Refrain: Francisco I wanna fly away, when there's no TV's and the people don't know my name Get a plant, where theres no more war and the sufferent no come out way High away, on the rights and beach when I lay in the sun all day, Fly Away I wanna fly away, when there's no TV's and the people don't know my name Have I ever been or not? Fly Away Songtext von Azad feat. zieh' fort mit dem Wind, fort von den Dreckskrisen, lass' alles hinter mir zurück, ich will wegfliegen. [CDATA[ No prospects, I want to escape the stress, To elude the pain and to pursue happiness, A little piece of perfect world that does not break again, To believe again, again that everything is will turn for good, And that some day this heart stops bleeding, In a world where there are no weapons and hatred doesn’t rage, Move away with the wind, away from the damned crises, Leave everything behind me - I want to fly away, I close my eyes and imagine I'd be somewhere else, Because my head is hollow*1, beaten softer than a sandbag, And my thoughts are rushing in my ear, are running through the blood, Things happened, I hash and rehash them*2. Ich will nicht viel, nur ein kleines Stück abhaben. I wanna fly away where there's no TV's and the people don't know my name. Unfortunately we don't have the lyrics for the song "Fly Away [Remix]" yet. Übrigens, es wäre besser, wenn du auch den bereits englischen Text ins Übersetzungsfeld schreiben würdest. "http":"https";t.getElementById(r)||(n=t.createElement(e),n.id=r,n.src=i+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js",s.parentNode.insertBefore(n,s))}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Azad - Fly Away feat. Fly, Fly Away When I was a child, my eyes were clear, I saw the good side That's the kind of second sight that doesn't last too long But when I was lost, I heard a voice that brought me healing That's the kind of special hope he brought me with his song Now how can I fly away? Fly away Can someone please tell me How I can get to where I wanna go, go away (ooohh) This song seems like a dream, I can't find peace In any single way, single way (noooo) I wanna fly away Where there's no TV's and the people don't know my name Get a plant Where there's no more war and they're sufferent no come out way Hide away Fly Away feat. Kool Savas & Francisco. (feat. Wow, thank you so much for translating this song, Ich will wegfliegen, weg von den Dreckskrisen. We’re born to die anyway Please enable Cookies and reload the page. High away on the White sand beach when I lay in the sun all day. High away on the rights and beach when I lay in the sun all day Fly Away I wanna fly away when there's no TV's and the people don't know my name Get a plant where theres no more war and the sufferent no come out way High away on the rights and beach when I lay in the sun all day Fly Away I wanna Fly Away Verse 1: Azad (Azad feat. The duration of this song is 03:57. Say hello to Satan, once you cross the bridge Screams turned to whispers, fighting in the mist I do not belong here, I think they clipped my wings Uncertain, unstable, do I even exist? Video clip and lyrics Azad, Francisco, Kool Savas - Fly Away by Kool Savas. Kool Savas & Francisco mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com I'll fly away . Translation of 'Fly Away' by Azad from German to English. Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away To a land where joys will never end I'll fly away . Listen to Fly Away feat. und ich weiß nicht mal, wo ich bin, kenne diese Wände nicht. Lyrics to 'Fly Away' by G.E.M. Fly, Fly Away lyrics. And who is the lead character, I don’t care, Some days are gray and have a bitter taste, Tieing my shoes I run alone through this city at night, I went away with closed eyes hoping for a change, Cutting my heart I left a piece on each stage, And they say, it is like that, since I am like that, Adriano Celentano - La cumbia di chi cambia, Saveta Jovanović - Са Овчара И Каблара (Sa Ovčara I Kablara), вертуля газманова - девка аниме (devka anime), Haruo Minami - 豪商一代紀伊国屋文左衛門 (Gōshō ichidai Kinokuniya Bunzaemon). *1 lit: my head is mush I'll fly away, oh, glory I'll fly away When I die, Hallelujah, by and by I'll fly away . this all seems like a dream, I can't find peace, I want to fly away, away from the damned crises. Die entsprechenden Schimpfwörter gehören nicht zu meinem Sprachgebrauch und unterliegen grds. The clip featured a snippet of the song in background with her singing, "I had a dream that some day I would just fly, fly away/And I always knew that I couldn't stay, so I had to dream that I just flied away." We have a large team of moderators working on this day and night. Tones And I announced "Fly Away" with an animated video on Instagram on the 9th of November 2020. When the shadows of this life have gone I'll fly away Like a bird from these prison walls I'll fly away . Fly Away Lyrics: Ahem / I'd like for you to take this time / And remember where you was / The first time you heard Dedication / If I asked you how many times you've listened to D2 / Could you tell //
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