[10] Bond recalls falling in love with an album for the first time at the age of four after hearing Wildflowers by Judy Collins,[11] and soon became obsessed with Karen Carpenter. Other guests on the record were Fred Frith and Lynn Breedlove. ; Discover a growing collection of premium plug-ins, effects & music for all your creative projects >> Now, Ostertag reflected, "Justin is a star. Anmeldung. Herzlich willkommen an der Universität Paderborn! In 2008, Bond participated in a Christmas show at the Knitting Factory that included Rufus Wainwright, members of Wainwright's family, Grammy Award-winner Emmylou Harris, Lou Reed, Velvet Underground, and performance artist Laurie Anderson. Described as "the best cabaret artist of his generation"[1] and a "tornado of art and activism",[2] Bond first achieved prominence under the pseudonym of Kiki DuRane in the stage duo Kiki and Herb, an act born out of a collaboration with long-time co-star Kenny Mellman. Juli 2013 16:46. You are About to help Tranifest a DREAM!!! Erreichen könnt ihr mich entweder hier, oder über Discord. One journalist commented that this expressed "in just one scene that heightened sense of simultaneous hope and despair in post–9/11 downtown New York City. Justin Vivian Bond, And V Is Trans", "Welcome back David Hoyle: you're a divine director", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Justin_Vivian_Bond&oldid=1013729826, Pages using Template:Infobox musical artist with unknown parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2011, Internet Off-Broadway Database person ID same as Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Live performances previously recorded with, Michaline Babich, Chris Gallagher, Matt Gallagher, This page was last edited on 23 March 2021, at 04:03. [46] In a 2011 interview with The Guardian, Bond quipped that Kiki DuRane, if not actually deceased, was at least "in a nursing home in New Jersey."[29]. In December 2008, Bond appeared at London's Southbank Centre as Sinderella, in the original musical written by Martyn Jacques of the British cult trio Tiger Lillies. Herzlich Willkommen! [23] In 1993, Bond hosted the first San Francisco Drag King Contest at the DNA Lounge with Elvis Herselvis. Dixie Belle: The Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was conceived as a holiday epistle informing Tom Sawyer of the author's gender-bending adventures in a New Orleans bordello after the Civil War. More performances are scheduled for London in February 2015. "[80], Bond has decided to clarify an identity as a trans-person, explaining that "for me to claim to be either a man or a woman, feels like a lie. Zoomalia.com, Loja em linha au melhor preço. [45] The show played again at the Shepherd's Bush Empire in London. "[30] Journalist John Russell saw in Kiki "an icon to rival Hedwig. Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com, zuletzt bearbeitet von The duo traveled repeatedly to London, where Bond continued to work on an MA in scenography at Central St. Martin's College of Art and Design when not performing. "[43] Locked into a stage act consisting of one other person, it appears that Bond had also begun to feel socially constrained. Although it failed commercially, Ostertag viewed it from an artistic standpoint as "one of my most successful projects. Kate ist wunderschön :) 21. 1,147 Followers, 694 Following, 914 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from David Berger (@davidbergerberlin) Auch wenn das Sommersemester in vielen Bereichen noch im Zeichen der Pandemie stehen wird, versuchen wir als Universität, Sie bestmöglich dabei zu unterstützen, rasch neue Freundschaften zu schließen und schnell sozial eingebunden zu sein. Bond has hosted the Weimer New York variety show since its inception in 2007. [58] Bond has appeared with Carol Channing, Tilda Swinton, and Chocolate Genius, Inc., among others. Also in 2012, powerHouse Books released Susie Says, a picture book combining Gina Garan photos of the 1970s fashion doll, Susie Sad Eyes, with bon mots from Bond's Twitter account. In spite of their retirement, Kiki and Herb appeared on a list of the top 40 favorite New Yorkers in Time Out New York in 2008. Hochschule Pforzheim, Fakultät für Technik, Informationstechnik, Maschinenbau, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Bachelorprogramme, Masterprogramme, This work led to a brief stint as assistant to the maitre d' of the Roof Terrace Restaurant in the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, where Bond witnessed a memorable performance by Ella Fitzgerald. "[17] Bond moved to San Francisco in 1988. My identity falls somewhere in the middle and is constantly shifting. 25% OFF! [71] Ahead of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Bond appeared in a video by Brooklyn-based Potpourri of Pearls, protesting Russian mistreatment of LGBT persons. [22] The duo played a number of gigs, both in and out of character; three years after attending Pride for the first time, Bond was hosting the show at the end of the parade. [50] Later that year, Bond opened the new holiday show, Snow Angel, with Amber Martin on vocals, NathAnn Carrera on guitar, and Brett Every on piano. AFS was available at afs.msu.edu an… I'm Jackie.' Pink Slip was recorded at Le Poisson Rouge and Bond hoped income from the EP would help fund the recording of an album. Bruni observes that "on top of all of the other odd aspects of its evolution, "Shortbus" represented a reunion and collaboration of fringe artists [like Bond] moving closer to the mainstream. The Official Website for all movies from 20th Century Studios. (in place of Ms./Mr.) Justin is a very male-identified name, and I wanted something that would balance it. "[81] Bond undergoes hormone treatment to appear more feminine,[5] and reported feeling great as a result, noting that "I like the way my body looks. Bond's first album came about unexpectedly, as the result of an improvised concert with experimental, electronic sound artist Bob Ostertag and a Japanese turntablist from the Tokyo noise underground, Otomo Yoshihide, at San Francisco's Great American Music Hall in 1997. With the assistance of a twenty-something Berkeley drop-out named Kenny Mellman, Bond created the award-nominated lounge act Dixie McCall's Patterns for Living around the persona of actress and singer Julie London. "[15] Bond referred to the film as a "gorgeous little time capsule. Meanwhile, Adelphi advised Bond to become more "butch" to earn a living in soap operas. The title apparently references the creative energy arising from self-acceptance, and is "all about honoring your nature, and nature itself. Offer ends Mar 31 st PowerDirector 365 - The best video editor with unlimited access to exclusively designed creative assets. AFS was a file system and sharing platform that allowed users to access and distribute stored content. Emotionally, it's evened me out. In December 2014, Bond's wide range and appeal, as well as the personal struggles that have informed all of Bond's work, were once more on display in Star of Light! "[15] In 2011, Bond also adopted the middle name of 'Vivian', subsequently identifying as "Justin Vivian Bond" instead of "Justin Bond". "[62] Elsewhere, Bond has said that "if it wasn't for my family and the rage they engendered in me, I wouldn't be here. I'm not a woman. 3 Monate lesen und 2 Prämien erhalten! Their stage act was captured on video in Kiki and Herb Live at the Knitting Factory (2007). Gast. Mufasa & Hypeman - Friday (feat. I realized that I have to allow myself to be more vulnerable, more honest, if I'm going to be a performer. "[29] Eschewing gender reassignment surgery, Bond explained that "I like my penis, and I am keeping it, but I am creating a transbody—a physical record on my body and a medical record that I am a transgendered person. "All our friends were dying of AIDS, and it was a way to get out all our rage," said Mellman. promoting the new album. Their show Kiki & Herb: Alive on Broadway ran for five weeks in 2006, and was nominated for a 2007 Tony for Special Theatrical Event. In 2011, Bond stated that "we are going to celebrate our birthdays together this year. . Kategorien Premiumabo E-Paper & Web Web only Aboservice Kurzabo Informationen "[64] "Of all the people doing creative things in the queer community," wrote Bond's friend and colleague, the experimental sound artist Bob Ostertag, "Justin Bond had a particular dazzle." "[68] In May of that year, Bond appeared with various artists in "A Celebration of Kate McGarrigle", at New York City's Town Hall, to commemorate the passing of the Wainwrights' mother, who had succumbed to cancer the previous year. He was a wonderful person, but he changed his name to Victor. On September 25, 2012, Bond hosted a special edition of Weimar as a fundraiser for the reelection of U.S. President, Barack Obama. [37] Appearing alongside Sigourney Weaver, Jeff Daniels, and Emile Hirsch, the duo reprised the Melanie Safka composition Tonight's the Kind of Night from Do You Hear What We Hear? Cheats Datenbank mit Tipps, Tricks, Komplettlösungen, Exploits und Trainern. 1 source for hot moms, cougars, grannies, GILF, MILFs and more. Justin Vivian Bond (born May 9, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter and actor. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In 2008, the GLAAD-nominated show Lustre premiered at PS122 in the East Village to rave reviews before touring the UK with stops in London and Manchester as part of the It's Queer Up North Arts Festival. Bond started out broke, clerking in a gay bookstore[9] to buy the coffee at Cafe Flore on Market and Noe, a bohemian salon that became a "spiritual home. Shop for movies on Blu-ray, DVD, 4K Ultra HD, or Digital. Writer(s): Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein Ii Post-Kiki, Bond continued to move freely between San Francisco and New York, frequently traveling to London and less frequently, to Australia. [75] It was launched in February 2013, at Manhattan's Museum of Arts and Design on Columbus Circle. When I was young, they were really the only trans people to which I had been exposed. — Part of the fictional biography for Kiki and Herb. As for Vivian, that's my self-given middle name. Their numerous collaborators included Debbie Harry of Blondie, comedian Sandra Bernhard, and Antony of Antony and the Johnsons. Bond and Mitchell had been frequenting the same Greenwich Village hangouts for about ten years by that time, including the Cow Girl Hall of Fame on Hudson, where Bond had been perfecting the role of Kiki. Thriving on collaboration, Bond used the platform provided by Kiki and Herb to forge working relationships with a number of rising stars among the downtown demimonde, including filmmaker John Cameron Mitchell, performer Jake Shears, and musician Rufus Wainwright. They toured twice in the U.S., including the 2007 'Year of Magical Drinking Tour.'[38]. [73] Also on display was a music video of the Bond composition, American Wedding.[74]. ; 33% OFF! Depending on the outcome of the presidential election, the name was intended to refer either to "the whimsical joy of making fun shapes in the snow," or "the imprint you would leave in the snow if you were being raped. A turning point occurred when Kate Bornstein cast Bond in her new play, Hidden: A Gender, using the life of the French, intersex person Herculine Barbin as an autobiographical device. In December 2015 an EP also called Christmas Spells was released including 3 songs (Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Remember (Christmas) and Christmas Spells). In 2004, Bond and Mellman did a cameo in the Sony Pictures release Imaginary Heroes, with script by Dan Harris. This was followed by a theatrical adaptation of a short story by a Bond pal, the artist and gender-theorist Kate Bornstein. In 2006, Bond appeared in the film Shortbus, as part of cast that included Sook-Yin Lee, PJ DeBoy, and Paul Dawson. "I knew that if I kept doing Kiki I wouldn't have the energy to focus on what I really wanted to do," Bond explains, "which was write and perform as myself. Welcher Song ist nicht von Robbie Williams? [72], In July 2009 Bond made an appearance on the Logo TV comedy series Jeffery & Cole Casserole, playing a Catholic nun who serves as the principal of the show's all-girl Catholic school. Reared in the remote suburbs of Hagerstown, Maryland, Bond's early role models appeared via the stereo and the television set. [56][57] Justin Bond is Close To You reinterpreted Karen Carpenter's album Close To You as part of Joe's Pub in the Park in Central Park in 2007, later moving to Australia's Sydney Opera House. Bond was credited in the band's album of the same name. Herzlich Willkommen im Shop von Cashkurs. Acessórios e alimentação para animais, blogue animais. [50], In 2012, Bond toured nationally with lesbian-feminist, spoken-word collective Sister Spit. Auf der regionalen Jobbörse von inFranken finden Sie alle Stellenangebote in Bamberg und Umgebung | Suchen - Finden - Bewerben und dem Traumjob in Bamberg ein Stück näher kommen mit jobs.infranken.de! Justin Bond: Christmas Spells opened in December 2010 at Abrons Arts Center on Grand Street in Manhattan's Lower East Side. More! Abo & Service: Telefon: 0711 7205- 6161 Bond is set to reprise this emcee role in summer 2015, with guests including Alan Cumming, Suzanne Vega, Martha Wainwright, Stephen Merritt, and Lea Delaria. "[13] As "a trans kid in a small town", Bond recalls feeling that "I wasn't being accepted for who I was, but at the time I didn't even have the words to express who I was. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Kiki and Herb Will Die for You: Live at Carnegie Hall, Sing Me the Songs: Celebrating the Works of Kate McGarrigle, Sing Me the Songs That Say I Love You: A Concert for Kate McGarrigle, "Life is a Cabaret: Justin Bond performs his life and ours", "Justin Bond on His First Solo Album, 'Dendrophile,' and Breaking Out of His Kiki DuRane Character", "Justin Bond Talks Cher, Joan Didion, and their All-Time Favorite Shoes with Pierre Hardy", "Ella Fitzgerald at the Kennedy Center Concert Hall 1987 or 1988? Juli 2013, 12:12, <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3. [66], The musician Rufus Wainwright, son of Canadian folk singer Kate McGarrigle, was another rising star from the downtown club scene who befriended Bond at this time. "[21] In fact, the experience unleashed a reservoir of creative energy. Described in one place as "tragically hip",[28] the inspiration arose "out of my own trauma regarding AIDS and so many people dying,"[29] according to Bond. Plauderecke bei Baby-Vornamen.de mit dem Titel 'suche OPA UND OMA namen', erstellt von lisa. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Bambi - BAEKHYUN 「Songtext」 - Deutsche Übersetzung Bambi - BAEKHYUN 「Lyrics」 - English Translation Bambi - BAEKHYUN 「Lyrics」 - Romanized Touch You - Yarichin - แปลภาษาไทย 「เนื้อเพลง」 Текст: САМО АКО БЯХ - ТОТО H & MARIANOFF No Hago Coro - Farruko - English Translation Revelation Films released the concert DVD in November 2009 under the title A Not So Silent Night (Kate & Anna McGarrigle/Rufus & Martha Wainwright). "[42] Ironically, Bond was by then moving away from the stage act after more than a decade, having almost come to resent the "very intrusive" presence of Kiki and the demands associated with playing this "very dark" role. Sie erreichen uns montags bis freitags von 7.00 bis 16.00 Uhr und samstags von 7.30 bis 12.00 Uhr. Bond's solo career as a singer, emcee, cabaret artist, and actor, grew up alongside Kiki and Herb, and ultimately outlived them. am 31. 31.03.2021 und 19.04.2021 | PLAZ Digitales Angebot zum "Studienstart Master of Education" Digitale Fragerunde am 31.03.2021 und am 19.04.2021, jeweils 9:30 - 10:30 Uhr über Zoom [76], In the summer of 2014, Bond curated and emceed a cabaret season at the Spiegeltent at the Bard SummerScape Festival in the Hudson Valley, NY. Bequem und komfortabel auf Smartphone, Tablet und PC - Lesen Sie online auf ksta.de? Die Protagonisten der Serie sind die Bundys, eine vierköpfige Familie der unteren Mittelschicht, die in einem Vorort von Chicago im US-Bundesstaat Illinois lebt.. [49] The first, Dendrophile (2011), contained a mix of original compositions and covers modeled on a type of "early-'70s folk-pop variety album"[49] in the spirit of Judy Collins, featuring a duet with English singer-songwriter Beth Orton. Jetzt 3 Monate lesen und 2 Prämien erhalten! He didn't like being Vivian. "Justin Vivian Bond Makes Broadway History with, "A Not So Silent Night (Kate & Anna McGarrigle/Rufus & Martha Wainwright) [DVD]", "More! 29. In November, Bond announced a performance to benefit the Ali Forney Center for LGBT youth in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Zum Wintersemester 2017/2018 wurden die neuen englischsprachigen Masterstudiengänge "[23] Nevertheless, the act continued to evolve, generating a mythical backstory as the entertainers became "fixtures at downtown New York venues like Flamingo East, P.S. The first steps on this journey led through the Castro District, the vibrant, queer neighborhood mostly concentrated on Castro Street between Market and 19th in San Francisco. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. "[31] "I created an invulnerable character in Kiki," Bond reflected elsewhere, "and as soon as I got rid of the character, there were a lot of bad habits that sort of fell away. "[62] Backups included Matt Ray on piano, Claudia Chopek on violin, and Nath Ann Carrera on guitar. By the time they were in their late teens they were playing professionally on the Burlesque Circuit where Kiki, who had just given birth to her first child – a bastard named Bradford – was billed as "The Completely Insane Miss Kiki DuRane". Tim (Freak30100) Bond is transgender[4] and uses the gender-inclusive honorific Mx. Die Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften verbindet spannende Forschung mit exzellenter Lehre. Juli 2013 13:30. In August 2012, Bond officiated at Rufus Wainwright's Long Island wedding. Zur Anmeldung an koaLA benötigen Sie Ihren zentralen Uni-Account.. Wenn Sie Probleme bei der Anmeldung haben, Sie einen Kurs in koaLA einrichten lassen wollen oder wenn Sie allgemein Fragen zur Umsetzung von eLearning in Ihrer Lehre haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an elearning@uni-paderborn.de.. Einstieg in koaLA Bond received a 2012 Lambda Literary Award for the memoir, Tango: My Childhood Backwards and in High Heels. Bond remembers this as a period of significant personal growth, both creative and political. Gast. At the behest of the record label Asphodel, an album was recorded in this location and in studio at Toast, with additional tracks and musicians added later. Finden Sie ein CAD-Modell, indem Sie die Produktbezeichnung zur Suche verwenden, und fahren Sie dann von dort aus fort. "[26] Kiki's equally-damaged accompanist Herb, played by pianist Kenny Mellman, made up the other half of the duo, billed as Kiki and Herb. "[21], Bond was namechecked in the 1999 Le Tigre song "Hot Topic".[82]. [78], In July 2020 Bond was announced as part of the cast of Audible's adaptation of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman series, playing the role of Desire of the Endless. Mit Suchfunktion und der Möglichkeit Cheats einzutragen. Prior to retiring Kiki in 2008, Bond already was touring nationally and abroad, appearing in film, and recording under the name of Justin Bond. But it's fine with me. Sie kümmert sich um die Tiere in Ponyville, vor allem um ihr Häschen Angel, und ist in der Lage, deren Sprache zu verstehen. [31] Both of the albums were self-financed, and both were the result of a collaboration with pianist/producer Thomas Bartlett of the band Doveman. The two-part show included a trademark cabaret performance of holiday tunes, showcasing an original composition, Could Baby Jesus in His Manger Foresee the Hate Sprung From That Night? Statusmeldungen und Wartungsarbeiten. "[54] Bond also appeared in Paul Festa's Apparition of the Eternal Church (2006).[55]. Offer ends Mar 31 st PowerDirector 365 Business - All of the benefits of Powerdirector 365 plus 575+ templates & 600,000+ of stock assets. remarkable for their generosity of spirit..."[70] Bond participated in the original Gay Shame event in New York in 1998, performing as Kiki and Herb and recorded in the Scott Berry documentary, Gay Shame '98. The album features covers of songs made famous by Ronee Blakley, Kate Bush, Leonard Cohen, Tracy Chapman, Joni Mitchell, Mark Eitzel, Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill, among others, and has been described as "intimate" and "confessional" in tone.
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