+49 (0) 241 / 80 93039 kurth@ifht.rwth-aachen.de Authors Maria Vasconcelos, M.Sc. In the open calls, researchers can submit proposals for funding for projects from all RWTH research areas. Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Netze, Digitalisierung und Energiewirtschaft RWTH Aachen University Schinkelstraße 2 Team Leader Grid Planning and Operation m.kurth@ifht.rwth-aachen.de At the time this was a rural area of farmland, forests and rivers. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an … Kurt Wüthrich Biographical I was born in Aarberg, Switzerland, on October 4, 1938, and during my childhood I lived in the small town of Lyss in the Berner Seeland. Integrative Konfigurationslogik für Produkt-Produktionssysteme, Quantification of concentration measurements in multicomponent systems through inverse problem solutions, Identification of uncertainties in the shape of geophysical objects with level sets and the adjoint method, Space-time least-squares finite element method for convection-reaction system with transformed variables, A validated CFD model to predict O2 and CO2 transfer within hollow fiber membrane oxygenators, Automatische Optimierung in der Profilextrusion, Numerical Investigations of the Effects of Sidewall Compression and Relaminarization in 3D Scramjet Inlet, Investigation of a Compression Corner at Hypersonic Conditions using a Reynolds Stress Model, Numerical Investigation of 3D Intake Flow, Investigation of a Compression Corner at Hypersonic Conditions usinga a Reynolds Stress Model, Modeling transport phenomena on fluid interfaces in combination with the XFEM, The extended finite element method for two-phase and free-surface flows: A systematic study, h- and p-XFEM with application to two-phase incompressible flow, Details Of Turbulence Modeling In Numerical Simulations Of Scramjet Intake, Numerical Analysis of Transition Effects in 3D Hypersonic Intake Flows, Stationäre und instationäre Untersuchungen an einem elastischen Flügelmodell mit Winglet im kryogenen Windkanal im Rahmen des ASDMAD-Projektes, Validation of CFD with PIV and other methods, Part II, Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Platelet Activation, Adhesion and Aggregation in Artificial Organs, Investigation of Steady Flow through a Realistic Model of the Thoracic Human Aorta Using 3D Stereo−PIV and CFD−Simulation, Numerical Modeling of Flow-Related Thrombus Formation under Physiological and Non-Physiological Flow Conditions, Numerical prediction of blood damage in biomedical devices, Concept for die modularisation applied on profile extrusion, Shape optimization in support of the design of heart assist devices, New computational method in tensor-based hemolysis analysis for artificial heart pump, The influence of high shear on thrombosis and hemolysis in artificial organs, Finite Element Simulations of Colloidal Aggregates under Shear Flow Conditions, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of an Hypersonic Compression Corner for Testing the Prediction Capability of a Reynolds Stress Model, Study of Compressible and Quasi Incompressible Flows with QUADFLOW Flow Solver, Numerical Study of Shock-Wave Turbulent Boundary Layer Interactions at Compression Corners, The XFEM using crack-tip enrichment with large support for curved cracks, High gradient enrichment functions for crack propagation in cohesive and cohesion-less cracks, Cracks and crack propagation with XFEM and hanging nodes in 2D, h-adaptive XFEM for two-phase incompressible flow, Hybrid explicit-implicit description of cracks in XFEM, Cohesive cracks with XFEM and hanging nodes, Parallelization of an extended finite element two-phase flow solver, Shape Optimization for Fluids using T-Splines for Shape Representation, Identification of uncertainties in the geometry of geophysical objects, Shape identification of geophysical objects with level set methods, Reconstruction of geophysical layers with shape optimization and level set methods, 3D two-phase flow simulations with the extended finite element method (XFEM), A unified enrichment scheme for fracture problems, Sensitivity of shear rate in artificial grafts using automatic differentiation, Sensitivity of optimal shapes of artificial grafts with respect to flow parameters, The XFEM for high-gradient solutions in convection-dominated problems, The extended/generalized finite element method: An overview of the method and its applications, Higher-order XFEM for curved strong and weak discontinuities, Preinvestigation of a Redesigned HIRENASD Wing Model in Preparation for New Aero-Structural Dynamic Experiments in ETW, Multi-layer constrained identification in geophysics with shape optimization and level set methods, Numerische Simulation einer Taylor-Couette Strömung und Modellierung thrombozytärer Reaktionen : Projektarbeit ; 27. RWTH Innovation Entrepreneurship Center Team of Chair for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WIN) ... Marcel Hechler B. Main page; Intranet; Faculties and Institutes. Strategic Partner & Investor Relationship Manager. Most recently in the Division 3 with Åkersberga Vikings. 4 0 obj Join Facebook to connect with Marcel Kurth and others you may know. vasconcelos@ifht.rwth-aachen.de Marcel Kurth, M.Sc. June 2017 Marcel Kurth - Institute for High Voltage Technology RWTH Aachen University 4 In Numbers Status: May 2017 44.517 Students 154 Subjects 540 Professorships 2.175 Research assistants 1.976 Non-scientific personel 3 Excellence clusters 29 Graduate programs 14 Special research areas 15 Affiliated institutes 5 Fraunhofer institutes 900 Mio. Institute of High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Energy Economics Skip to Content View the profiles of people named Kurt Marcel. Tobias Falke Head of Sustainable Distribution Systems falke@ifht.rwth-aachen.de Marcel Kurth, M.Sc. 1 0 obj RWTH Aachen University Institut für Hochspannungstechnik Tel. Complete player biography and stats. These projects should aim at identifying and developing new interdisciplinary fields of research. <>>> Beteiligte Länder Germany (Team assistent) E-Mail: kurth (at) wi.rwth-aachen.de Phone: +49 (0)241 - 80 921 90, Room 412. View the profiles of people named Marcel Kurth. ERS funded projects are initiated through two approaches. A. (Postdoctoral research assistant) E-Mail: avci (at) wi.rwth-aachen.de Phone: +49 (0)241 - 80 921 92, Room 413 Contact hours: (Online->see our contact) open door and every Thursday 11-12 a.m. step@iaew.rwth-aachen.de. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 24 0 R 25 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP helps businesses around the world navigate complex legal challenges in the energy, financial services, real estate investment and Strategic Partner & Investor Relationship Manager. Browse all articles of Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders. Send an email. Send an email. Alejandro Jaramillo He was a leading composer for the stage who was best known for his fruitful … Send an email. Marcel Kurth. Im Profil von Marcel Kurth sind 4 Jobs angegeben. The roots of the Wüthrich family … Maximizing EV-Integration in LV Grids Using the Universal Smart Energy Framework RWTH Innovation Entrepreneurship Center Team of Chair for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WIN) ... Marcel Hechler B. Sandhya Mani ... Hendrik Köhler. %µµµµ April 2009, Numerische Simulation einer laminaren Blutströmung zwischen zwei parallelen Platten mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Thrombozytenaktivierung, - adhäsion und -aggregation : Studienarbeit, Simulation of the fluid-structure interaction between an elastic panel and an oblique impinging shock, Application of the Elastic Mesh Update and the Concentric Shell Motion Method to Finite-Element Propeller Simulation, Validation of advanced turbulence models in QUADFLOW, Influence of Sidewall Compression on Hypersonic Intake Performance, Computational Methods for Aero-Structural Analysis and Optimisation of Aircrafts based on Reduced-Order Structural Models, Comparison of the Elastic Mesh Update and a Concentric Shell Motion Method Applied to the Refinement Study of the Voith-Schneider Propeller, Numerical study of thermochemical relaxation phenomena in high-temperature nonequilibrium flows, Shape Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis with Applications in Complex Fluids, Free-surface flows with the XFEM: A comparison with interface tracking in the classical FEM, A systematic study of different XFEM-formulations with respect to higher-order accuracy for arbitrarily curved discontinuities, The extended finite element method for high-gradient solutions, Assistierte Zirkulation: ein Überblick aus klinischer Sicht, Numerical Investigation of Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer Over Expansion Corner, Simulation of cracks with XFEM and hanging nodes, Simulation of swimming objects by means of the extended finite element method, Model-based Numerical Analysis of Platelet Adhesion, Thrombus Growth and Aggregation for Assist Devices, Auf dem Weg zur Fließkanaloptimierung von Extrusionswerkzeugen mit Finiten Elementen, A localized mixed-hybrid method for imposing interfacial constraints in the extended finite element method (XFEM), Die Design: Automatically Optimizing Profile Dies, Restructuring of Colloidal Aggregates in Shear Flows and Limitations of the Free-Draining Approximation, Parallelisation of multiscale-based grid adaptation using space-filling curves, Differential reynolds stress model and grid adaptation for hypersonic double wedge simulations, Methods of design, simulation, and control for the development of new VAD/TAH concepts, Parallel and adaptive methods for fluid-structure-interactions, Computation of hypersonic shock boundary layer interaction on a double wedge through a differential reynolds stress model, A review of computational fluid dynamics analysis of blood pumps, Computational Analysis of Platelet Aggregation in a Taylor-Couette System, Performance Analysis of a 3D Scramjet Intake, Simplex Space-Time Meshes in Finite Element Simulations, Magnetic field simulations in support of interdiffusion quantification with NMR, Abschätzung der Blutschädigung mit Hilfe eines numerischen Schädigungsmodells (CFD) im Couette-System, An inverse-problem approach of NMR for interdiffusion measurements, Inverse-problem-based interdiffusion quantification with NMR, Experimental analysis of high Reynolds number aero-structural dynamics in ETW, Reynolds stress model implementation for hypersonic flow simulation, Application of a correlation-based intermittency transition model for hypersonic flows, Interactive blood damage analysis for ventricular assist devices, Modelling of transition effects in hypersonic intake flows using a correlation-based Iintermittency model, Computational analysis of a 3D hypersonic intake for experimental testing at mach 8, Numerical investigation of hypersonic intake flows, Towards shape optimization for ventricular assist devices using parallel stabilized FEM, A corrected XFEM approximation without problems in blending elements, Computation of hypersonic double wedge shock/boundary layer interaction, Efficient Parallel Simulations in Support of Medical Device Design, A simple method for simulating general viscoelastic fluid flows with an alternate log-conformation formulation, Computational studies of the effect of wall temperature on hypersonic shock-induced boundary layer separation, Kranken Herzen helfen : Ingenieure und Informatiker entwickeln gemeinsam eine Miniaturblutpumpe, Computational aeroelastic analysis and design of the HIRENASD wind tunnel wing model and tests, Enhanced design of a scramjet intake using two different RANS solvers, Numerical simulation and design of a scramjet intake using two different RANS solvers, Shock wave / boundary layer interaction in hypersonic intake flows, Research training group GRK 1095/1 : Aero-thermodynamic design of a scramjet propulsion system, Development of a preprocessor for the generation of structural beam models for multidisciplinary optimisation, Numerical prediction of seroelastic effects on twin-sting-rig mounted models for rear fuselage and empennage flow investigation in transonic windtunnel, Performance analysis and tuning of the XNS CFD solver on Blue Gene/L, DNS of transitional transonic flow about a supercritical BAC3-11 airfoil using high-order shock capturing schemes, Computational study of aeroelastic equilibrium configuration of a swept wind tunnel wing model in subsonic flow, Numerical investigation and simulation of transition effects in hypersonic intake flows, Analysis of the static and dynamic aero-structural response of an elastic swept wing model by direct aeroelasic simulation, Numerical investigation of wall temperature and entropy layer Effects on double wedge shock : boundary layer interactions, Numerical computations for designing a scramjet intake, Das Graduiertenkolleg 1095/1: Aero-Thermodynamische Auslegung eines Scramjet-Antriebssystems für zukünftige Raumtransportsystem, Four-field Galerkin/least-squares formulation for viscoelastic fluids, Models and finite element techniques for blood flow simulation, Hemolysis estimation in a centrifugal blood pump using a tensor-based measure, Numerical Simulation of Chemically Reacting High-Enthalpy Flows, Free-surface flow modeling and unstructured space-time meshes, Shape optimization in unsteady blood flow : a numerical study of Non-Newtonian effects, Estimation of hemolysis in centrifugal blood pumps using morphology tensor approach, GLS-type finite element methods for viscoelsatic fluid flow simulation, Shape optimization in steady blood flow : a numerical study of Non-Newtonian effects, DNS of transonic flow about a supercritical airfoil, Numerical simulation of turbulent flows inside a hypersonic inlet, DNS of transonic flow about an oscillating airfoil, Shock-vortex interaction in a transonic turbocompressor, Performance Analysis of Ventricular Assist Devices Using Finite Element Flow Simulation, On the application of slip boundary condition on curved boundaries, The effect of stabilization in finite element methods for the optimal boundary control of the oseen equations, A tensor-based measure for estimating blood damage, Aerodynamic performance analysis of a hypersonic inlet isolator using computation and experiment, Time-accurate inlet and outlet conditions for unsteady transonic channel flow, Tip-vortices in transonic axial-compressors, Thermal analysis of fluid-structural interaction in high-speed engine flowfields, Numerical simulation of 3D supersonic inlet flows, Numerical modelling of elastic-plastic waves in transversely isotropic composite materials. External link: Fulltext. Send an email. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Marcel Kurth im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. xœ½ÙrÛFò]Uþ[„¹pl¥R+Ù±¬¬]ñFJòä"!‘‘($Çû½û!ÛÝ38ˆxˆ Sf¦{úîžãì|QÎïÒIé|óÍÙyY¦“Y6u~=»)ž?»ùòœ}JïçyZ΋üìzu[â«÷Y:Íß~ë\¼}ãüùê$ðü/Ž#æŽJ”/¸Kæ'ÜYd¯N~ù‡“¿:¹¸yuröŽ9Œùtnî^`ëÀaNø1—N”„~;7OÐîò:rî—0´sO¿bóëòÕɯ®ãýîÜ|ÿêä;ñ?¯NvÆ Ú:ß}|㜠Lú¢(ËâixÞ|é¼¹“¬ÍYÂd%wTàG±¤9Ã{èŸÀ߈±¸ï¾ù‘æ~y§Â{§Ò-áQ½˜ýh)–ø*Þ-6.\új‰û1¸?ž¬Š¸7*n%s/uÎUäKšžJüD&Ž`?Š"ŸEÎÕñê)½ÏsÞN…ªsö ‘üøæꭜ}Hó{ÇÍòӟ®½—)ˆpx0d|öБç’Ç>\*…{ãґ‹tlÒ1ÞK7!|±®?¦Ï`X¸;=xlX }¿}±9‹ØgûÓd‚æv–"Y y÷Nž‘íõ˜p?‹2ÁwÅÂIñõß^蒁^âNjÝò©ó¤»-RË7DÀ+[ÖõÆ;ÝYæ1 ²ÈMç@î'/Ò¿ Lorenz Höppl M. Sc. Lorenz Höppl M. Sc. Adaptive temporal refinement in injection molding, Comparison of optimization algorithms for the slow shot phase in HPDC, Spline-based methods for fluid-structure interaction, The Virtual Ring Shear-Slip Mesh Update Method, Fluid-structure interaction with NURBS-based coupling, Robust Active Control of a Winglet with Elastic Suspension at Transonic Flow, Simplex space-time meshes in two-phase flow simulations, Phase Transitions in Injection Molding Simulations, Interface Tracking for Free-Surface Flow Simulations with Higher-Order Methods, Coupling free-surface flow and mesh deformation in an isogeometric setting, Numerical Design for Primary Manufacturing Processes : Solving Inverse Problems in Production Engineering, Spline-Based Methods for Simulating Fluid-Structure Interaction, A Partitioned Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction Using NURBS-Enhanced Finite Elements and Isogeometric Analysis, Spline-Based Methods for Solving Fluid-Structure Interaction in Compressible Flows, Objective Functions for the Shape Optimization of Temperature Control Channels in High-Pressure Die Casting, Novel discretization methods for improved simulation precision in injection molding, A simplified simulation model for a HPDC die with conformal cooling channels, Predicting shrinkage and warpage in injection molding: Towards automatized mold design, Hybrid simulation of laser deep penetration welding, Simulating Twin-Screw Extruders with Boundary Conforming Space-Time Finite Elements, Boundary-Conforming Space-Time Finite Elements for Co-Rotating Intermeshing Domains, Improving Numerical Stability of a Tensor-Based Blood Damage Model Using the Log-Conformation Formulation, Simplex space-time meshes in mold filling simulations, Adaptive Temporal Refinement in Mold Filling Simulations, Stabilized Finite Element Methods for Computational Design of Blood-Handling Devices, Strain-Based Blood Damage Modeling : Current Status and Future Perspectives, Large Eddy Simulation with Stabilized FEM for Transition and Turbulence in Medical Devices, Simulation of Flow in Artificial Blood Pumps: Turbulence Modeling and Consideration of Blood Microstructure, On the Significance of Exposure Time in Computational Blood Damage Estimation, Numerical simulation of vortex generators on a winglet control surface, Compressible Flows inside Piston Ring Pack Simulated with Space-Time Finite Elements, Space-Time Finite Element Simulation of Internal Compressible Flows, An ultraweak DPG method for viscoelastic fluids, Theory of Fluid-Structure Interaction and Implementation of a Structural Solver for Elastodynamics in ReFRESCO, Deforming-Domain Problems Related to Packaging Machines: Mesh-Update Method and Flow Simulation, On stabilized space-time FEM for anisotropic meshes: Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and applications to blood flow in medical devices, Deforming Domain Problems with Translational Movement: Flow Simulation inside a Packaging Machine, Boundary-conforming free-surface flow computations: Interface tracking for linear, higher-order and isogeometric finite elements, Efficient lattice Boltzmann simulations on large scale high performance computing systems, Determination of Scaled Wind Turbine Rotor Characteristics from Three Dimensional RANS Calculations, On The Significance of Exposure Time in Computational Blood Damage Estimation, Adaptive Mesh Renement in Filling Simulations Based on Level Set, Berechnung von Kavitationsvorgängen in hydrodynamischen Gleitlagern auf der Basis eines blasendynamischen Modells, Moving boundary finite element fluid flow simulation methods for marine propulsion systems, Free-Suface Flow Simulation with Space-Time Methods and Isogeometric Analysis, Die swell as an objective in the design of polymer extrusion dies, Numerical Optimization of the Phase Interface in High-Pressure Die Casting, Study on objective functions for the slow shot phase in high-pressure die casting, Automatic implementation of material laws: Jacobian calculation in a finite element code with TAPENADE, The XFEM for hydraulic fracture mechanics, Investigation of Unsteady Edney Type IV and VII Shock-Shock Interactions, NURBS-enhanced geometry handling for free-surface flow problems and immersed boundary methods, Stabilized finite element methods for computational design of blood-handling devices, Parallel multi-scale simulations with octrees and coupled applications, Hemodynamic flow simulation in patient specific cerebral aneurysms, Schur Complement Based Preconditioning of the Stabilized Stokes Equations, On the Improvement of a Physiological Blood Damage Model for Hemolysis Predictions in Medical Devices, An Interface-Tracking Approach to Viscoelastic Free-Surface Flows, On the Simulation of Viscoelastic Free-Surface Flows, Simulating viscoelastic free-surface flows using an interface-tracking approach, Strain-based blood damage estimation for computational design of ventricular assist devices, Spline-based Finite Element Methods in Fluid-Structure-Interaction, Spline-based Fluid-Structure-Interaction for Sloshing Tanks, Spline-Based Finite Element Methods for Fluid Flow on Deforming Domains, Geometrically accurate, efficient, and flexible quadrature techniques for the tetrahedral finite cell method, Spline-based methods for Interaction between Free-Surface Flows and Elastic Structures, Space-time NURBS-enhanced finite elements for free-surface flows in 2D, Numerical Study on Shock-Induced Fluid-Structure Interaction in Supersonic Flows, Numerical Aero-Structural Dynamic Simulations of the ASDMAD Wing, Influence of design parameters on the simulations of cooling oil jets for internal combustion engine applications using level set method, Spline-Enhanced Finite Element Methods for Coupled Fluid Flow Problems, Numerical Investigation of Rising Bubble Phenomena in Viscoelastic Fluids, Continuum mechanical modeling aspects of self-cleaning surface mechanisms, Deforming Fluid Domains Within the Finite Element Method : Five Mesh-Based Tracking Methods in Comparison, Development of a Numerical Tool for EGS-Layout Calculations Based on 3D XFEM : Fracture Propagation Simulations and Laboratory Experiments on Large Rock Samples, Simulation of rising bubbles in viscoelastic fluids, Advances in Strain-Based Hemolysis Estimation for Computational Design of Blood-Handling Devices, Towards the Simulation of Deformable Sloshing Tanks with Spline-Based Methods, Towards the Simulation of Deformable Sloshing Tanks with Spline-Based Solution Methods, An Objective Function for the Slow Shot Phase in High-Pressure Die Casting, Analysis of Aerodynamic Performance of Floating Wind Turbines Using CFD and BEMT Methods, Aerodynamic performance of floating wind turbines at model scale, Two-phase flows modeling of an impacting jet using the level-set method, Spline-Based Finite Element Methods in the Simulation of Deformable Sloshing Tanks, NURBS-based Approaches in Fluid Flow Simulations, Computational Hemolysis Estimation Based on Viscoelastic Deformation of Red Blood Cells, Stabilized Finite Element Method for Flows with Multiple Co-Rotating Reference Frames, Computational analysis of rotating geometries: an enhanced shear-slip mesh update method, Efficient Jacobian calculation in a finite element software using automatic differentiation, Using Automatic Differentiation to Create Sparse Jacobians for the Solution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Recent advances of the fully-implicit log-conformation formulation, Finite element simulations of colloidal aggregates in stokes flow, Development of Active load Alleviation Methods for large Wind Turbines, An efficient log-conformation stabilization, Flow Simulation in Production Engineering, The fully-implicit log-conformation formulation and its application to three-dimensional flows, Transition Prediction for Scramjets Using γ-Reθt Model Coupled to Two Turbulence Models, Stabilized finite element method for flows with multiple reference frames, Optimizing Free-Surface Flows and Die Swell in Die-Based Manufacturing Processes Using Numerical Optimization, Simulating Free-Surface Flows with Moving Boundaries : Combination of an Interface-Tracking and an Interface-Capturing Approach, Individualized production in die-based manufacturing processes using numerical optimization, Development of an Objective Function for Die-Swell in Extrusion Die Design, Fully-Implicit Log-Conformation Formulation of Viscoelastic Constitutive Laws, An Enhanced Time-Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Rotating Geometries such as Artificial Blood Pumps, High performance finite element methods for three-dimensional chromatography models, Strukturdynamisches Verhalten eines Tragflügelmodells in kryogener, transsonischer nicht-idealer Anströmung, Conference Proceedings of the YIC GACM 2015, Numerical analysis of the influence of a winglet actuated control surface by means of direct and reduced order model simulation, Advanced numerical investigations of hypersonic scramjet intake flows, XFEM-Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing n 3D with Emphasis on Stress Intensity Factors, Transition Prediction for Scramjet Intakes Using the γ-Re_θ_t Model Coupled to Two Turbulence Models, Towards objective functions quantifying the slow approaching phase in high-pressure die casting, Advanced Approaches for Shape Optimization : an Optimal Strategy for Shape Optimization of Extrusion Dies, Comparing Optimization Algorithms for Shape Optimization of Extrusion Dies, Fluid-Structure Interaction on Wind Turbine Rotor Blades, Investigation of Hypersonic Intakes Using Reynolds Stress Modeling and Wavelet-Based Adaptation, A modular method for the direct coupled aeroelastic simulation of free flying aircraft, Fully-implicit log-conformation formulation of constitutive laws, The Nurbs-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM) for Free-Surface Flow Simulations, A Fully Implicit Log-Conformation Formulation, Stress-Based and Strain-Based Hemolysis Estimation for Medical Devices, Fluid-Structure Interaction in the Context of a Scramjet Intake, A novel approach to three-dimensional crack propagation in XFEM with application to bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, Stabilized space-time finite elements for high-definition simulation of packed bed chromatography, Recent advances in computational methodology for simulation of mechanical circulatory assist devices, A multiscale, biophysical model of flow-induced red blood cell damage, Entwicklung eines numerischen Werkzeugs zur Rissausbreitung und erster Abgleich mit hydraulischen Spaltversuchen im Labor, Comparison of three simulation methods for colloidal aggregates in Stokes flow: Finite elements, lattice Boltzmann and Stokesian dynamics, An XFEM based sharp interface approach for two-phase and free surface flows, Numerical Shape Optimization of Profile Extrusion Dies, The NURBS-Enhanced finite element method (NEFEM) for free-surface flow simulations, Incorporating mesh properties in the Galerkin : Least-Squares stabilization parameters for flows of viscous and viscoelastic fluids, Unsteady blood damage estimation for medical devices, Numerical Prediction and Post-Test Numerical Analysis of the ASDMAD Wind Tunnel Tests in ETW, Computational Study of the Influence of Outer Pressure Fluctuations on Dual Bell Nozzles, Aerodynamic and numerical flow modeling of elastic high lift configurations, Contribution to the development of an adaptive solver for numerical simulation of steady and unsteady flows, Design Criteria in Numerical Design of Profile Extrusion Dies, 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.554-557.794, Transient stress-based and strain-based hemolysis estimation in a simplified blood pump, Towards shape optimization of profile extrusion dies with respect to homogeneous die swell, Extension of an Aeroelastic Coupling Environment to Aircraft Configurations with Rigid-Body Degrees of Freedom, Effects of Sidewall Compression and Relaminarization in a Scramjet Inlet, The XFEM with an explicit-implicit crack description for hydraulic fracture problems, Laboratory experiments, acoustic emission monitoring and simulation to improve the understanding of EGS fracture formation, Towards aerothermoelastic simulations of supersonic flow through nozzles, Werkzeugauslegung am Computer : Numerische Formoptimierung in der Profilextrusion, Active Load Alleviation on Wind Energy Converters, Effect of Suction Gap and Central Strut on the Interior Scramjet Intake Flow, Numerical Simulations of Successive Distortions in Supersonic Turbulent Flow, Numerical shape optimization as an approach to extrusion die design, Design Optimization for Profile Extrusion Dies, The extended finite element method applied to 3D free-surface flows, Development of a design tool for Hot-Dry-Rock fracture systems, Numerical simulation of hypersonic air intake flow in scramjet propulsion using a mesh-adaptive approach, High gradient XFEM for fracture mechanics, Crack propagation with the extended finite element method and a hybrid explicit-implicit crack description, Numerical investigations of relaminarization in scramjet flows, Numerical simulation of coolant variation in supersonic film cooling, XFEM with hanging nodes for two-phase incompressible flow, Crack propagation criteria in three dimensions using the XFEM and an explicit-implicit crack description, Modularisation for die-based production technologies, On the Influence of Constitutive Models on Shape Optimization for Artificial Blood Pumps, On the Usage of NURBS as Interface Representation in Free-Surface Flows, Testing a partitioned field approach for the solution of aerothermoelastic problems, Development of a design tool for HDR fracture systems, Computational Design Study of a 3D Hypersonic Intake for Scramjet Demonstrator Testing, A numerical study of blood flow behavior in blood vessels with emphasis on thromboembolic complications, Physiological modelling in computational design of blood-handling devices, Two-phase flows using the XFEM: Modeling of transport phenomena on fluid interfaces, 3D free-surface flow simulations with accurate treatment of discontinuities using the XFEM, 3d crack propagation with XFEM and mesh refinement, Comparing automated die optimisation with reality, Modularisierung für werkzeuggebundene Produktionstechnologien.
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